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WorldPride 2025 Business Trainings

Choose the training sessions that best fit your interests and needs.

Equality Chamber of Commerce (ECC) and Equality Chamber Foundation (ECF) trainings are organized into modules, but you can attend any session within each module.

ECC & ECF Certificate Trainings

Equality Chamber of Commerce Trainings, made possible by a generous grant through the Mayor's Office of LGBTQ Affairs.

Partner & Community Trainings

The Mayor's Office of LGBTQ Affairs

The Stonewall Initiative

WorldPride DC 2025 and Beyond: Building a Safe and Equal Downtown DC for All (ECC/ECF)

Featuring the Thrive In Harmony Marathon for WorldPride DC 2025 and Beyond: Building a Safe and Equal Downtown DC for All! (hosted by ECC/ECF)

Marathon Certificate Series Overview

T.H.R.I.V.E. – Together in Harmony, we Rise, Inspire, Value, and Empower

  • Emphasizing collaboration, leadership, and business sustainability

A 25-minute session live format designed for engaging, micro-learning experiences with an added focus on Nightlife Inclusion to address safety, accessibility, belonging in social spaces, and cultural fluency  for working with multiple languages in diverse LGBTQ+ communities.

April 2025 Delivery Schedule Overview

  • Leadership & Awareness Training: April 2025; with 25-minute online sessions. Quick feedback evaluations are included.
  • Schedule:
    • Week of April 14: (April 14, 15, 16)
    • Week of April 21: (22, 23 and 27)
  • Session Timing: Weeknights (Mon, Tues, Wed):
    • 8:00 - 10:00 PM (multiple sessions per night offered consecutively)
    • 8:00-8:25 PM; 8:30-8:55 PM; 9:00-9:30 PM
    • Sunday Rewind: (6 sessions) 7:00-7:25PM 7:30-9:00 PM 7:30-7:55 PM; 8:00-8:25 PM; 8:30-8:55 PM; 9:00-9:30 PM

Earn free business coaching sessions and be entered to win prizes!

Live T.H.R.I.V.E. Marathon Sessions – Together in Harmony, we Rise, Inspire, Value, and Empower

  • Emphasizing collaboration, leadership, and business sustainability

Thrive In Harmony Marathon for LGBTQ+ Workplace Inclusion

  • Bronze – Attend 6 live sessions → Thrive In Harmony Certificate (Bronze) + earn one free 30-minute laser coaching session
  • Silver – Attend 12 live sessions → Thrive In Harmony Certificate (Silver) + earn one free 60-minute laser coaching session
  • Gold – Attend 18 live sessions → Thrive In Harmony Certificate (Gold) + earn two free 30-minute laser coaching sessions
  • Platinum – Attend all 20 modules → Platinum Thrive In Harmony Certificate + earn three free 30-minute business coaching sessions!

Prizes & Incentives

  • A FREE registration to a Good Soil Forum in Dallas Texas June 12-14 (Elevating leaders & change-makers.(
  • Exclusive Experience Giveaways – Gift Cards & Business Giveaways
  • Membership & Resource Access – Discounts on future professional development programs.

The Mayor's Office of LGBTQ Affairs Trainings

The Mayor’s Office of LGBTQA Affairs along with the DC Intergovernmental Coordination Committee for World Pride and Capital Pride Alliance are hosting a series of World Pride Community Workshops!

The Workshops are designed for all community partners and World Pride stakeholders to attend. The main gallery will feature tables for presenting partners and agencies throughout the District who are working on events, projects, and campaigns around World Pride. The main gallery will also feature tables hosting the diversity of pride alliances and organizers. This will provide attendees the opportunity to apply for any permits they might need for their events or connect residents with events celebrating their community.

To request reasonable accommodations or translation, contact MOLGBTQA at least 7 days in advance at

All trainings will take place at:

899 N Capitol St NE
Washington DC 20002 – First Floor Conference Center

April 23 Training Sessions

  • Suspicious Activity & Behavioral Threat Assessment
  • Active Shooter & Stop the Bleed Training
  • NARCAN Distribution (MOLGBTQA)
  • CPR & De-Escalation Training
  • Sexual Harassment & Human Trafficking Identification
  • Know Your Rights & Protecting Pride and Safety
  • Welcome to DC Training for Visitors
  • First Watch Marquee Events Emergency Plan Training

Create Safe Spaces for Everyone:
Join the SIGBI Certification Program
Inspired by the Legacy of The Stonewall Inn

The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative (SIGBI) is the official nonprofit of the Stonewall Inn, which is an orgiinal LGBTQ+ Safe Space and the Location of the Revolutionary 1969 Stonewall Riots.

The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative's Safe Spaces Certification allows businesses, retail shops, food & beverage establishments, public spaces, and entertainment venues to show support for LGBTQ+ patrons, employees, customers, and neighbors.

This training is conducted at your own pace and only provided online.

Click Register and then Create an Account and Enter Company code CapitalPride.

Questions may be directed to Mo Williams

Module 1: Keep It Safe, Keep It Fair—No Drama, No Disasters!

Monday, April 14 - Virtual

8:00-8:25 PM; 8:30-8:55 PM; 9:00-9:25 PM, 9:30 PM-10PM (consecutively)

  • Introduction & Learning Agreements + Nightlife Safety & Inclusion + Cultural Fluency in Multilingual Spaces - 8:00-8:25 PM
  • The Business Case for LGBTQ+ Inclusion + Bar & Venue Policies for Inclusivity - 8:30-8:55 PM
  • Challenges LGBTQ+ Employees Face + Bias & Discrimination in Social Spaces - 9:00-9:25 PM
  • Self-Assessment on Workplace Inclusion + Assessing Safe Social Spaces - 9:30 PM-10PM
  • Free Break!!! Self -Paced Assessment to Review of the Four-Part Training Series + Checklist/Handout on Community Safety Initiatives for LGBTQ+ Nightlife

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Analyze the business, ethical, and social cases for LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion and its impact on organizational culture.
  2. Evaluate the challenges LGBTQ+ employees face in non-inclusive environments and identify strategies for creating safer, more equitable workplaces.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of self-assessment tools to measure organizational strengths and areas for growth in LGBTQ+ equality

Please note: For special requests. Only if demand exists - Saturday: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM (2 sessions) 8:30-8:55 AM; 9:00-9:25 AM. Contact

Module 2: All Aboard! A Workplace Where Everyone Belongs

Tuesday, April 15 - Virtual

8:00-8:25 PM; 8:30-8:55 PM; 9:00-9:25 PM, (consecutively)

  • Understanding Core Inclusion Principles + Intersectionality in Nightlife Spaces - 8:00-8:25 PM
  • Cultural Humility & Active Listening + Best Practices for LGBTQ+ Club & Bar Staff - 8:30-8:55 PM
  • Workplace Best Practices for Inclusion + Alcohol-Free Social Options for LGBTQ+ Professionals - 9:00-9:25 PM

Wednesday, April 16 - Virtual

  • 8:00-8:25 PM; 8:30-8:55 PM; (consecutively)
  • Analyzing Case Studies on Workplace Inclusion + Real-World Examples of LGBTQ+ Nightlife Inclusion - 8:00-8:25 PM
  • Developing an Action Plan for Inclusion + How Employers Can Support LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces - 8:30-8:55 PM


9:00-9:25 PM, 9:30 PM-10PM (consecutively)

  • Analyzing Case Studies on Workplace Inclusion + Real-World Examples of LGBTQ+ Nightlife Inclusion
  • Developing an Action Plan for Inclusion + How Employers Can Support LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Develop skills for cultural humility and active listening to engage in open, accountable dialogue and embrace diverse perspectives in the workplace.
  2. Apply best practices for equity, safety, and inclusion in organizational policies and daily workplace interactions.
  3. Evaluate the role of inclusive language and education in fostering a workplace culture that supports LGBTQ+ employees.

Please note: For special requests. Only if demand exists - Saturday: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM (2 sessions) 8:30-8:55 AM; 9:00-9:25 AM. Contact

Module 3: Cash Moves Everything Around Me—So Does Accountability!

Tuesday, April 22 - Virtual 8:00-8:25 PM; 8:30-8:55 PM; 9:00-9:25 PM,

9:30 PM-10PM (consecutively) + Bonus session from  10:00-10:30 PM

  • Defining Workplace Accountability in Inclusion + Who’s Responsible for Safety in Nightlife? 8:00-8:25 PM
  • Leveraging Diverse Perspectives for Change + Representation & Visibility in LGBTQ+ Nightlife - 8:30-8:55 PM
  • Measuring Progress & Implementing Change + Addressing Harassment in Bars & Clubs - 9:00-9:25 PM
  • Case Study: Best Practices in Workplace Accountability + How Cities Improve LGBTQ+ Nightlife Inclusion - 9:30 PM-10PM
  • Bonus!!! Self-Reflection & Commitment to Accountability + How to Advocate for Safer LGBTQ+ Nightlife - 10:00-10:30 PM

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Assess the role of accountability in fostering an inclusive work environment and propose actions to improve diversity and equity initiatives.
  2. Examine real-world case studies on workplace inclusion and formulate strategies to support and measure progress with inclusion efforts.
  3. Identify ways to leverage diverse perspectives to drive innovation and long-term cultural transformation in the workplace.

Please note: For special requests. Only if demand exists - Saturday: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM (2 sessions) 8:30-8:55 AM; 9:00-9:25 AM. Contact

Top 10 Most Popular Sessions

Wednesday, April 23 - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

The Mayor's Office of LGBTQ Affairs
899 N Captial St NE
Washington, DC 20002

  • Understanding Intersectionality & Workplace Inclusion + LGBTQ+ Nightlife for Different Identities
  • How Identity Affects Workplace Experiences + Trans & Non-Binary Safety in Social Spaces
  • Engagement in Organizational & Community Inclusion + Engaging LGBTQ+ Bars, Clubs & Events
  • Reviewing Real-World Case Studies of Inclusion Efforts + Lessons from LGBTQ+ Nightlife Advocacy
  • Mod4Bonus!!! Final Reflection & Next Steps for Sustainability + How to Sustain Inclusion Beyond Work & Nightlife

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explore the concept of intersectionality and its impact on workplace inclusion, identifying how overlapping identities influence professional experiences.
  2. Design an action plan to sustain long-term leadership efforts, incorporating strategies to engage leadership, employees, and external stakeholders.
  3. Demonstrate an ability to apply cultural principles in workplace policies, hiring practices, and employee engagement strategies.

Please note: For special requests. Only if demand exists - Saturday: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM (2 sessions) 8:30-8:55 AM; 9:00-9:25 AM. Contact

Module 4: Stay in the Game to Maintain!

Wednesday, April 23 - Virtual

8:00-8:25 PM; 8:30-8:55 PM; 9:00-9:25 PM, 9:30 PM-10PM (consecutively) + Bonus session from  10:00-10:30 PM

  • Understanding Intersectionality & Workplace Inclusion + LGBTQ+ Nightlife for Different Identities - 8:00-8:25 PM
  • How Identity Affects Workplace Experiences + Trans & Non-Binary Safety in Social Spaces - 8:30-8:55 PM
  • Engagement in Organizational & Community Inclusion + Engaging LGBTQ+ Bars, Clubs & Events - 9:00-9:25 PM
  • Reviewing Real-World Case Studies of Inclusion Efforts + Lessons from LGBTQ+ Nightlife Advocacy - 9:30 PM-10PM
  • Mod4Bonus!!! Final Reflection & Next Steps for Sustainability + How to Sustain Inclusion Beyond Work & Nightlife - 10:00-10:30 PM

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explore the concept of intersectionality and its impact on workplace inclusion, identifying how overlapping identities influence professional experiences.
  2. Design an action plan to sustain long-term leadership efforts, incorporating strategies to engage leadership, employees, and external stakeholders.
  3. Demonstrate an ability to apply cultural principles in workplace policies, hiring practices, and employee engagement strategies.

April 23rd: Attend In-person for any or all sessions from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM - 10 of our most popular sessions will be offered!

Please note: For special requests. Only if demand exists - Saturday: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM (2 sessions) 8:30-8:55 AM; 9:00-9:25 AM. Contact

Trainings have been curated, sponsored, developed and executed by:

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